Monday, January 9, 2012


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This is my first freebie printable of the year and I'm dedicating it to my mum. xo
She asked me to make a birthday & anniversary calendar which was a year in view format so that she didn't miss those in the early part of a month. You know if you have to mail a parcel and should have done it two weeks before the 1st of June, but because you didn't flip over the calendar till the 1st, poor Aunty Betty gets her birthday present two weeks late? Well, not anymore! You can see everything coming up at a quick glance.
And because it's perennial, you don't have to re-write everyones birthdays on each years calendar, you can just keep adding to it over time.

I thought it might be something you might get some use from too as we plan and get organised for this new year!

You can download the calendar here.

Enjoy! x


  1. Such a great idea- thanks muchly!


  2. Lovely and nice blogs i like it thanks for sharing.
    Murano Glass

  3. Thank you ..this is just what I was looking for ... your work is creative and beautiful

  4. Love your work & thanks for sharing this perpetual calendar. Everything you make is so lovely!

  5. You're welcome Mel & Deb! Glad you like it and hope it comes in handy : )

  6. This is great Jordan! Any tips on how I can print this on 2 horizontal 8.5x11 pages so the lines are bigger?

    Thanks so much!
    xo Jen

  7. Hi Jen,

    I'm not sure, I know there are 'poster' programs that can size up an image and you can print out each page separately. Otherwise, I'd be heading to Officeworks or Staples and getting it enlarged! : )

    I hope that helps!
    Jordan : )

  8. Thank you -- exactly what I was looking for, and looks much nicer than I could make!!!

  9. I have used full sheet stickers to adhere to fabric to feed it through the printer and it works beautifully! You can reuse the sheets several times too. It is by far the easiest method, I think.

  10. Thank you so much Jordan for this. You are so kind to offer this free. This is going to keep me organised, my family and friends remembered and treasured with cards and presents on time and it is so beautifully designed. Thank you so much

  11. thank you thank you thank you thank you. i've been looking for a colorful list that says bday and annv for a while. this is perfect! :)

  12. Thanks Jordan for the freebie calendar. I forget birthdays all the time, so.. hoping this will solve that little problem.

  13. You're welcome Chris! I hope it helps you out! : )

  14. Is the Birthday Calendar Printable still available? The link is a dead-end...and it is oh so cute...and much needed by this momma!!!

  15. Hi Shannon, thanks for your comment, I have just updated the link so it's all good again. Enjoy! : )

  16. Great idea to place at a family reunion and keep in touch.

  17. Thanks so much! This was exactly what I was looking for!!

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